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Spotting and Addressing Fake Reviews on Amazon

Amazon has updated its system to prioritize newer reviews, but this has made it easier for fake reviews to slip through. Here’s how you can spot and deal with these fake reviews.

Identifying Fake Reviews

Watch for these signs to identify fake reviews:
Gathering evidence of these patterns will help in reporting the reviews.

Other Reasons to Report Reviews

Watch for these signs to identify fake reviews:
For more details, check Amazon’s Community Guidelines.

Reporting Fake Reviews

If you think a review is fake, report it to:

Writing Your Appeal

Here’s a sample email to get fake helpful votes removed:
Subject: Urgent: Removal of Fake Helpful Votes on ASINs (1) and (2)


We urgently need your help, as our previous appeals were not addressed. We have noticed 350 fake helpful votes on each of nineteen one-star reviews for ASINs (1) and (2). Despite some votes being removed, 345 fake votes remain, hurting our sales and reputation.

Evidence Attached are images showing the abuse. All votes were added within 24 hours.

Impact These fake votes make the reviews appear as’most helpful,’ misleading customers and harming our brand.

Request Please remove the fake votes on these reviews:

Thank you for your immediate attention.
Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Reporting a Fake Review

Use this template if you spot a fake review:
Subject: Fake Review Report - ASIN (1)


We found a fake review on ASIN (1): [Review Link]. It follows the same pattern as previous fake reviews on ASINs (1) and (2):

Please also check out these previously removed fake reviews:
We request the immediate removal of all fake reviews from this account.
Thank you,

By following these steps and using these templates, you can help keep Amazon’s marketplace honest and protect your brand. Stay alert and proactive!

For more tips, contact Seller Catalyst.

Jagir Pipalia
Founder, Seller Catalyst

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